Thought(s) of the Day, June 28, 2013

The bestselling author Dan Brown goes to the airport and fancies buying a book for some guity pleasure reading. Dan Brown has decided to take a well deserved vacation.

While he is in the terminal book store, he accidentally falls down and hits his head.

When he is revived, he thinks he is the bestselling author, David Baldacci. Once more on a mission to find the perfect summer reading, he picks up all the Dan Brown books he can find and takes them on vacation with him for some fun.

The next day Dan Brown thinking he is David Baldacci is now reading. As he explores the texts, he finds he does not like his own books. He finds his own prose "equal to the English of a fifth grader."

But he reads them anyway. Cover to cover. "My books are a million times better than this." Dan Brown as David Baldacci quips.

Dan Brown as David Baldacci decides to go windsurfing. While out on the waves, Dan Brown, still thinking he is David Baldacci suffers a bad fall in which he hits his head on a rock. Five minutes minutes later, he wakes to find that he thinks he is the best selling author, James Patterson. He heads back to the beach and discovers his Dan Brown novels lying in the sand.

"Why the hell have I been reading this crap?" Dan Brown as James Patterson thinks to himself.

Frustrated, he heads to the hotel book store to buy something new to read. As he looks on at the limited selection of airport novels, he sighs.

"All this stuff is the same!" He seeing only novels by David Baldacci and Dan Brown. There is also some James Patterson detective novels but Dan Brown as James Patterson also doesn't feel like reading his own books.

Frustrated and tired, Dan Brown as James Patterson heads back to his room.

That night, Dan Brown as James Patterson dreams he is John Grisham. In the dream, John Grisham tells Dan Brown he is his father.

When Dan Brown as James Patterson wakes again, he finds, to his immediate relief that he is Dan Brown again.

Strangely, he has a desire to write.
