There are 39 Starbucks in Paris, What the @^##!

Paris -- There are now 39 Starbucks Coffee Houses in the Paris region. What the f*$%!!!!

Here are just some of the 39 locations. I got this from their website. I am not out to help Starbucks out in their publicity, I am just getting the record straight

60 Saint Andre des Arts
62, rue Saint Andre des Arts
13, rue des Archives
107, Avenue de France
4, Rue Aubry Le Boucher
5, rue de lAmbroisie
37, rue de la Boetie
32 Boulevard Haussmann
3, boulevard des Capucines
Roissy Charles de Gaulle Cedex
Disney Village 77700 Chessy
2 Rue de I'Echelle
Niveau -3, 1, place de la Rotonde
76-78 Avenue des Champs Elysees
17 Boulevard de Vaugirard
76-80, Avenue du Gal Leclerc
118, rue Monge Paris
18, boulevard Montmartre
70, boulevard du Montparnasse

That many huh? Strange. I have yet to see a local carrying a plastic cup of take away coffee. Maybe I am not looking hard enough. Actually correct that. I have seen American tourists holding steaming mugs of Starbucks coffee but they were on their way to the airport. But surely there cannot be that many tourists in France to justify all these stores? The locals have to be drinking some too.

And if that is the case --

Why are cats not sleeping with dogs?

Is there a secret French Starbucks sect hiding themselves from public view? Or are they just having their lattés on the premises? I am simply postulating here. I would go in to one but a gypsy told me I'd be cursed forever. I guess Parisians are actually enjoying European style coffee served by Americans acting like Europeans. I guess Parisians truly enjoy the combination of ice cream and coffee.

Want to hear something else strange? McDonalds has felt cocky enough to open a French style coffee bar in many of its premises. What the hell is happening here?

Has Paris lost all of its nerve? Has its culutural resolve fallen by the way side? What happened to the steady cry of resistance that eminated from every rooftop when companies like Eurodisney and McDonalds first invaded these shores? Not even a whimper now. Has Paris really changed so much? Its called café culture and you invented it. Really, I am bummed. It's the oldest tradition in the book and you are allowing hamburger joints to sell it back to you like it was their idea in the first place. Really, Paris? Really?

Where are the cries of bloody murder a la McDonalds when the communist campaigner Jose Bové drove his tractor into one of their store front windows. Or in the early nineties when a thousand articles were written about the coming cultural "Chernobyl" of Euro Disney?

There are thirty nine #@%&ing Starbucks in Paris!

What's next? Rome?

"Hey Italy, we've got something we'd like to sell you, they're called expressos. You're going to love them. And by the way, we're going to serve them in a language that sounds a little like yours but that you won't really recognize."
