People say there are no time machines and that time travel is impossible due to something about physical laws and the speed of light.
But recently I have made a discovery.
Has anyone ever pressed the snooze button on one's alarm clock?
I recently did and I travelled two hours into the future mere seconds after I press this button! It seemed instantaneous. One moment it was 7:00 am. I reached over and pressed the snooze button and before I knew it: presto, when I opened my eyes again it was 8:45 in the morning and it seemed to happen instantaneously.
I therefore conclude that time travel is possible.
If we could somehow find all of the world's alarm clocks and make a giant snooze button out of all of them, it might be conceivable to travel several hundred years into the future. But we would need to gather a large number of alarm clocks for this purpose. We would also need to analyze the snooze function to multiply its power exponentially.
Please keep this idea under wraps as I don't want too many people knowing about it.