One of the great ironies of the twenty first century is the fact that we are prepared to protest with symbols we do not even fully understand.
Take this man protesting in the Streets in Brazil wearing a mask designed for a multi million dollar corporate Hollywood film. And on top of it "V For Vendetta" isn't even a good movie!
You'd think somewhere out there is someone who can design an original mask for the protest. But no, they've got to co opt.
It kind of takes the punch away. It's like millions of people standing outside the G8 with C3PO masks.
We're being rebels according to prescribed imagery and we're not even aware of the irony.
It's like the guy from the French housing estate talking about how he's for the downfall of America, while standing in Nike sneakers and a Tommy Hilfigger sweatshirt. Mister, if you're gonna' make a point, don't dress in the enemy's clothes!
It's not the younger generation's fault. They never knew any other world without programs THE VOICE telling them who will be the next pop star. If programs like American Idol were to go away, how would we know who will be the next pop star? We wouldn't and the world would fall into cultural disarray.
It's a world full of crazy co opting. We think we're sticking it to the man, but we are the man. Or atleast we're dressed like him. We're listening to his music and we're watching his movies and we're talking about the opposite.
Here's an idea. If you want to stick it to the man this weekend. Don't see MAN OF STEEL. See a local art exhibition or replace the local football match with a Fellini film by way of sabotage.
No? Too boring for you?
Well then, carry on!